Pirates Double Play Club
2021-2022 Women’s Softball Partnership in Athletics
There are five levels of partnership
The Single: $200 Partnership
Program Advertisement PLUS: An official MJC Softball t-shirt and a program that includes previews, players profiles, and the team schedule.
The Double: $300 Partnership
Website and Program Advertisement PLUS: An official MJC Softball t-shirt and a program that includes previews, players profiles, the team schedule, and autographed team photo.
The Homerun $500 Partnership
Field Banner, Website and Program Advertisement, PLUS: An official MJC Softball t-shirt and a program that includes previews, players profiles, the team schedule, autographed team photo and an MJC softball hoody.
The Grand Slam $1000 Partnership
Game sponsor, Field Banner, Website and Program Advertisement, PLUS: An official MJC Softball t-shirt and a program that includes previews, players profiles, the team schedule, autographed team photo, an MJC softball hoody and a sponsor banner for all to see at every home game and field visit.
First Annual Field Sponsorship: $5000
Currently pirate softball stadium has no official name. Pirate field can be like oracle park or the staples center and place your business as the field name for the season. Includes double the items: All advertisements, An official MJC Softball t-shirt and a program that includes previews, players profiles, the team schedule, autographed team photo an MJC softball hoody and two season tickets to all home games. Only one business will be allowed to claim this partnership for one year September 1st, 2021 to August 31st, 2022. Contact Coach Donaldson for details: donaldsond@mjc.edu or (209) 402-4681
You can join the partnership in athletics and support MJC Women’s softball right now by filling out the form below. Your sponsorship, in many amount, is greatly appreciated!!! All money goes directly to the MJC Softball Team (see back) WE SINCERELY THANK YOUF OR YOUT SUPPORT!!
Your sponsorship, in any amount, is greatly appreciated! All money goes directly to the MJC Softball Team for: